05 October 2005

Calendar Of Events Pt. 3

The Eighth Cooley's Anemia Symposium
March 17-19, 2005
Hilton Hotel in the Walt Disney World Resort,
Orlando, FL

The Cooley's Anemia Foundation is collaborating with the prestigious New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) The goal of the symposium is the presentation and dissemination of current findings and the setting of future directions regarding basic and clinical research in thalassaemia.

The program will address recent advances in:

1. The natural history of thalassaemia worldwide
2. Gene regulation and gene therapy
3. Mechanisms of cell injury of iron overload in thal
4. Development and therapy of iron chelators
5. Stem cell transplantation
6. New therapies for thalassaemia
7. The adult thalassaemia patient
8. Non-invasive iron measurements

The symposium will integrate basic science and clinical research so that representatives of both of these disciplines as well as clinicians can develop a mutual understanding of recent progress in thalassaemia. Conference attendees should achieve an understanding of the molecular biology, pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical care and psychosocial management of thalassaemic disorders.

A combination of keynote addresses, state-of-the art lectures that provide an overview of progress in different aspects of thalassaemia, oral presentation of recent findings by leading investigators, and poster presentations will provide a comprehensive overview of progress in the understanding and treatment of thalassaemia.

CAF and NYAS have collaborated on the seven previous Cooley's Anemia Symposia, beginning in 1964. As with previous conferences, the proceedings of this conference will be published as a volume in the series Annuals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

*Reprinted with permission from the Cooley's Anemia Foundation website,*

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