08 October 2005

State Update - VIC

The Thalassaemia Society of Victoria

Last year was a very busy one for the Thalassaemia Society of Victoria. Some large projects for 2003 included updating our website at TSV, attending the Thalassaemia International Federation conference in Italy and organizing the Australian Thalassaemia Association conference in Brisbane (with much help from Isabella in Queensland).

This year’s major focus is on the provision and update of our resources. We will shortly launch 3 new brochures on alpha thalassaemia, sickle cell and haemoglobin E. These brochures will be available for the Australian Thalassaemia Association to distribute across Australia. We have also drafted fact sheets specifically targeted at the lay person with little knowledge of medicine or genetics. These fact sheets are to be translated into 8 languages for those populations at high risk of haemoglobinopathies. We will then target educational presentation to these multicultural groups.

Ongoing website updates will include a new streamed presentational on thalassaemia. This presentation will be located on our ‘education’ page so please visit and provide us with your feedback.

Sandra has already booked a number of educational presentations at Secondary Colleges and community organizations. Last year she found it difficult to keep up with the increasing demand but please feel free to contact her if your know anyone who would like to arrange a presentation.

We are also looking to update our policies at the Thalassaemia Society. Such policies will address issues such as grievances, privacy, volunteering and project structure and evaluation.

Sotrios Katakouzinos TSV- President

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