14 October 2005

ATA Executive

The responsibilities of the Australian Thalassaemia Association (ATA) are rotated every two years between the State organisations.

New position holders are as follows:

The roles of the Committee of Management for the ATA 2003 to 2005

The ATA Committee includes:
President: Martha Gerolemou - NSW
Vice President: Josie Stockden - WA
Secretary: Maria Avarantinos - NSW
Treasurer: Carol Fotheringham - NSW
Councillor: Isabella Agius - QLD
Councillor: Maria Kastoras - VIC
Public Officer: Boyd Webster - NSW

ATA Thalassaemia International
Federation Representative: Maria Avarantinos - NSW

Delegates from each state organisation are also encouraged to attend ATA meetings.

Following are ATA subcommittees with the following coordinators:
Website subcommittee - Isabella
Newsletter subcommittee - Isabella
Conference/AGM organising subcommittee - yet to be assigned
Funding/fundraising subcommittee - Maria
Constitution subcommittee - yet to be assigned
Health professional relations subcommittee - Maria
Marketing subcommittee - yet to be assigned

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